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Attendi Speech Service for iOS


Note that the iOS SDK is currently not publicly distributed. If you are interested in using it, please reach out to us at omar [at] attendi [dot] nl.

The Attendi Speech Service iOS SDK provides the AttendiMicrophone component: a SwiftUI microphone button that can be used to record audio and perform arbitrary tasks with that audio, such as audio transcription.

The component is built with extensibility in mind. It can be extended with plugins that add functionality to the component using the component's plugin APIs. Arbitrary logic can for instance be executed at certain points in the component's lifecycle, such as before recording starts, or when an error occurs.

The AttendiClient class provides an interface to easily communicate with the Attendi Speech Service backend APIs.

Getting started

The SDK is available as a Swift package.

To utilize the Attendi Speech Service iOS package, you need to first include it as a dependency in your app.

You have three options to install the dependency:

Option 1: Manual Installation

  1. Clone the Repository:
  • Clone the GitHub repository to your local machine using git clone.
  1. Add Package:
  • Go to Project Settings > Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content.
  • Click "+" to Add Package Dependency.
  • Enter the local path to the cloned "AttendiSpeechService" repository.
  • Select Package: Choose "AttendiSpeechService" from the list.
  • Integration: Xcode will integrate the package from the local repository.

Option 2: URL Installation

Option 3: Package.swift Integration

You can also incorporate the client into your project by including it as a dependency in your Package.swift file, as it's distributed through Swift Package Manager and run swift package resolve:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
name: "MyAttendiApp",
dependencies: [
.package(name: "attendispeechservice", url: "", .branch("main")),
targets: [
name: "AttendiSpeechService",
dependencies: []),
name: "AttendiSpeechServiceTests",
dependencies: ["MyApp"]),

After installing and building the package, you can use the microphone component in your project:

import AttendiSpeechService

// within some SwiftUI view

// Sets the width and height of the microphone.
size: 60,
// Specify detailed color theme. The mic is considered active when it is recording
// or processing.
colors: AttendiMicrophone.Colors(
inactiveBackgroundColor: pinkColor,
inactiveForegroundColor: Color.white,
activeBackgroundColor: pinkColor,
activeForegroundColor: Color.white
// or create a color theme from one color
// colors: AttendiMicrophone.Colors(baseColor: Color.Red),
// If not set, the component will have a circular shape. Otherwise, uses a
// rounded corner shape with this corner radius.
cornerRadius: 20,
// Add plugins if necessary. These extend the functionality of the microphone component.
plugins: [
// Tells microphone what to do when an error occurs.
// Transcribes audio using the Attendi Speech Service.
AttendiTranscribePlugin(apiConfig: apiConfig),
// The transcribe plugin calls an `onResult` callback when the transcription result is available.
// This allows the client to access the transcription result and do something with it.
) { text in
// We can use view modifiers as usual here.

In the example above, the AttendiMicrophone component is used to transcribe audio. The AttendiTranscribePlugin plugin adds the transcription functionality and the AttendiErrorPlugin plugin tells the component what to do when an error occurs.

For more details on the AttendiMicrophone's API, see its Swift documentation.

Communicating with the AttendiMicrophone component

The AttendiMicrophone exposes three callbacks in its initializer: onEvent, onResult, and onAppear. The onResult callback can be called by plugins when they want to signal a result to the client when that result is in text (string) form. As seen in the example above, the text can be accessed by the client by providing a closure to the onResult parameter.

The onEvent callback can be called by plugins when they want to signal a more general event to the client. Plugins can call onEvent and pass it an event name and a result object. The client can then listen for these events by providing a closure to the onEvent parameter. The client can then check the event name and the result object to determine what to do.

The onAppear callback is useful when wanting to add some functionality to the microphone component at the callsite. Since passing the closure captures the variables in the view, the calling code can for instance save the microphone's UI state in a variable by using the microphone's plugin APIs at the callsite. For example, the following code saves the microphone's UI state in a variable called micState:

// within some SwiftUI view

// Use this e.g. to change your UI based on the microphone's UI state.
@State var microphoneUIState: AttendiMicrophone.UIState? = nil

// ...
onAppear: { mic in
mic.callbacks.onUIState { uiState in
self.microphoneUIState = uiState

Creating a plugin

Warning: the microphone's plugin APIs are still under development and subject to change.

Plugins allow the microphone component's functionality to be extended. The component exposes a plugin API consisting of functions that e.g. allow plugins to execute arbitrary logic at certain points in the component's lifecycle. A plugin is a class that inherits from the AttendiMicrophonePlugin class.

The functionality of any plugin is implemented in its activate method. This method is called when the microphone is first initialized, and takes as input a reference to the corresponding microphone component. Any logic that needs to run when the microphone is removed from the view should be implemented in the deactivate method. This might for instance be necessary when the plugin changes some global state. As an example, the AttendiErrorPlugin plugin is implemented as follows:

/// Does the following when an error occurs:
/// - vibrate the device
/// - show a tooltip with an error message next to the microphone
public class AttendiErrorPlugin: AttendiMicrophonePlugin {
// The `activate` method is called when the microphone is first initialized and takes as input a reference to the microphone component.
public override func activate(_ mic: AttendiMicrophone) {
Task { @MainActor in
// Use the `mic.callbacks.onError` plugin API to add a callback that is called when an error occurs.
mic.callbacks.onError { error in
// Use the `mic.audioPlayer.playSound` plugin API to play a sound.
mic.audioPlayer.playSound(sound: "error_notification")

let impact = UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: .light)

// Use the `showToolTip` plugin API to show a tooltip with an error message next to the microphone.
mic.showTooltip("An error occurred")

While an exhaustive list of plugin APIs is not yet available here, all plugin APIs are annotated in Swift documentation with [PlUGIN API]. The lifecycle callbacks are available in using mic.callbacks as shown above.